Pay Day; Sweet, Glorious Pay Day...
We love pay day! Let's face it, who doesn't? I've heard many people say it's not about the money. Seriously, who are they kidding? We work to get paid! Sure we get other things out of work but at the end of the day, as Puff Daddy stated, "It's all about the Benjamins".
Will I make enough money this month to:
- Support My Family
- Put Food on the Table
- Pay My Bills
- Pay the Insurance
- Pay the Taxes
- Get my hair done
- Put money into savings
- What about my retirement
- Buy that (insert whatever you like) I've been looking at for months
- And, after all the obligations are paid, is there any "funny" money left to play with?
We received our first pay checks this week and a two things happened:
1) It made this business real. We knew it was real but now it really is real!
2) We both gained an amazing sense of accomplishment. Who knew two girls from Anaheim could open their own businesses and actually make money in the first month? Talk about putting a smile on our faces --- this is really cool.
We jumped into this business together but for very different reasons. While we have been friends for twenty plus years and have pretty much been through everything together (marriages, divorces, births of children, heartache, happiness, success, etc.), our careers couldn't be more opposite. One went the "college", then "corporate" route and slaved hours upon hours to build a career. While the other went the "I have to find a job to support my kids" route and slaved hours upon hours to put food on the table. Now one of us is looking to stay home with her new baby and the other is looking for financial freedom.
Regardless of our paths, we both have put up with "playing the game", which entails:
- Crazy bosses
- Crazy hours
- Crazy co-workers
- Missing important obligations and/or events due to work
- Corporate silliness
- Corporate politics
- Kissing up
- Biting our tongues
- Crappy jobs
- Our "HR" files
- Being passed up for a promotion
- Getting the promotion, then realizing it really isn't what you wanted
- Sacrificing, Sacrificing, Sacrificing
And we both desire the same things:
- Financial Freedom
- Flexibility to spend time with the people we care about
- Fun
- To look forward to "going to work" everyday, especially when it's from home in our pj's!!!
It's probably too early in this year-long journey to say we found what we are looking for but, so far, all things would suggest that we have.
In all seriousness, we are both motivated by a number of things and money is certainly one of them. We all know you need money to survive, but it is not the only thing that motivates us. We are both "pleasers" and like to help others. We didn't appreciate how satisfying that piece of this business would be.
There is nothing like getting a message from one of our customers raving about their skin due to the products we sold them. The company says that if you change a person's skin, you can actually change their life. When we first heard this, we both thought it sounded a little dramatic, BUT now we get it. We all want to put our best foot forward and when your skin is not as nice as you'd like it to be it has an impact. These products work and have a positive impact on the people that use them and it feels good to be part of that and to share it with our friends and family!
As women we tend to share things in life, the new lipstick we found, the hairdresser that does wonders, the latest Taylor Swift CD (yes we bought it and it is actually good), the pair of shoes that is to die for, the limited edition Oreo cookies (yummy) --- so why not share amazing skin care products? Well, we are and the bonus is we get paid to do it!
Eleven and half more months to go --- which means eleven more pay checks until we do our evaluation! Show us the money R + F!
Really touching blog post! Keep up the great work!