The Goal Board

Leading up to our company's annual convention is an exciting time for most R + F business owners.  Convention is at the end of September, and I am happy to say I am attending with most of my team (very excited to see them).  However, my journey to convention hasn't been what I expected it to be.  I didn't reach my goal and have experienced a number of emotions associated with that reality.

I've learned a few things about myself.  I discovered that I've always been a goal setter, but haven't been one to write my goals down.  I kept them filed away in my head and revisited them from time to time, but have never held myself accountable.  I felt like I was successful and reached a lot of my goals.  The fact is, I am successful but I have no idea how many of my goals I have actually reached because I've never really tracked them.

My upline encouraged me to get my hands on a goal board and get serious about tracking.  I am coachable so with some reservation, I purchased a goal board and wrote my goals down.  I even put the board in the master bathroom so I would see it every morning, but I didn't think much about it until recently --- when I didn't reach my goal.  Wow -- what a slap in the face.  What am I supposed to do with this reality?

Give up
Get Angry
Point the Finger
Pick Myself Up
Keep Going
All of the Above?

From the beginning of this journey, the training has stressed the importance of perseverance.  I always found that strange until recently.  I think this is the fork in the road; do or die time; where the rubber meets the road.  Am I going to keep moving forward or am I going to quit?  Give me a break!

I haven't even thought about quitting, but I bet this is one of those moments that my upline has been prepping me for.  This is one of those moments when some would quit.  Well, I'm not "some" and I'm not even close to giving up.  I am disappointed but I am moving on.  I gave myself a few days to pout, beat myself up, etc but now it is time to move one.  My business is still solid and still growing.  I will persevere.  I didn't reach one of my goals, but here are some of the things that I have accomplished:

Earned back my investment in month one
Profitable every month I've been in business
Grown my team -- Team Taylor is going strong with 10 team members, represented in four states (despite having 4 team members quit -- evidently in this business you can expect about 1/2 of our team to quit)
Rekindled Friendships
Made new Friendships
Learning to Network (this is a big deal for me (read previous post))
Best Skin Ever
Satisfied Customers
Personal Growth
Own my own business

Personal growth requires honestly and discomfort.  I am super uncomfortable that I didn't hit my goal, but I am elated I'm a business owner, in this business, I'm thrilled to be building residual income, I'm changing my paradigm, and I have met so many amazing people.  I love this business even if it is forcing me to be honest with myself, self-reflect, grow, and get the heck out of my comfort zone!

I'm about half way thru this year long journey and am totally amazed at this industry and this opportunity.  I can't wait to see what my organization looks like in a year, two years and FIVE years!  Wow!  Want to know more about this amazing industry, check out this book


About Me

I'm a new mom that is rethinking my corporate career, the importance of family and how to maximize "me" time. I truly had no idea how wonderful motherhood would be. But now that I'm a mom, my entire world has been turned upside down and everything that was important really isn't any longer. So, I'm on a quest to find a solution that works for me. A life solution that will allow me to spend as much time with my sweet baby girl while still having a lucrative career as well as spending as much time with the people that are important to me.


Just Us... Jenny & Renee

About This Blog

This blog was started to capture the one year journey of starting a business. We jumped in and committed to giving Direct Marketing one year. At the end of the year, we will evaluate where we are and what our next steps are.

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