R+F Business Opportunity

Partnership with the doctors who created Proactiv...
Products that are clinically proven to deliver on their promises...
An outrageously generous Compensation Plan...
And being in a position to be one of the first people to offer this product to your community...

All reasons that NOW is the best time to start your own business!

CLICK HERE for more information about this incredible opportunity to be your own boss.  We'd love to chat with you about joining our team!  We have limited personal interview time slots available, so please contact us directly to schedule.


About Me

I'm a new mom that is rethinking my corporate career, the importance of family and how to maximize "me" time. I truly had no idea how wonderful motherhood would be. But now that I'm a mom, my entire world has been turned upside down and everything that was important really isn't any longer. So, I'm on a quest to find a solution that works for me. A life solution that will allow me to spend as much time with my sweet baby girl while still having a lucrative career as well as spending as much time with the people that are important to me.


Just Us... Jenny & Renee

About This Blog

This blog was started to capture the one year journey of starting a business. We jumped in and committed to giving Direct Marketing one year. At the end of the year, we will evaluate where we are and what our next steps are.

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